Villages CBS Men Class
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On this page we will provide links to information about our organization and related topics.

Community Bible Study home page

Below is a sample of a local CBS Men's Class website in Ocala, Florida

And our own official class web site.

Information on Our Organization
So far we have the following leadership positions filled:
Teaching Leader - Phil Van Amerongen
Assistant Teaching Leader - Dave St. Pierre
Class Coordinator - Jim Charleton (assisted by John Batsch)
Core Leaders:
Argus, Don
Brown, Jack
Clark, Wayne
Lightbody, Steve
Nauert, Lee
Paiga, David
Zaharias, Don

We need a Class Secretary, Class Treasurer, Web Master, Music Director, and a Prayer Chairman. These all need to be regular each week through the class year.

Villages CBS for Men  * The Villages, Florida  * US